Protestants from all over the world celebrate Reformation Day. It was on October 31,
in the year 1517, when Martin Luther nailed his Ninety-Five Theses to the door
of the Schloßkirche in Wittenberg. At least this is how the story goes.
But that’s
not what I want to write about. I want to take this opportunity to
introduce to you my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather,
Adam Reichardt, also known as Adamus Ricardus, one of the first Lutheran pastors
in Germany. He was born in the town of Sangerhausen, not far from Martin Luther’s
hometown of Eisleben, in 1525. He was baptized catholic but as the reformation
was introduced to Sangerhausen in 1539, he and his parents probably became protestants. He enrolled at
the University of Vienna in Austria on the fourth of April 1550 and became a Schulmeister (teacher). But he received
a call from his homeland to help establish the new Protestant Church and his life would dramatically change.
As the
majority of the population in that part of Germany had adopted the Lutheran faith,
there was a lot of administration work to be done. It wasn't enough to have believers, the existing (former catholic) parishes needed to be re-organized and new ones needed to be established. While finding church buildings wasn't such a problem, there was a severe lack of pastors who were needed as soon as possible. Therefore church government made the decision to take in men without any theological education or even catholic priests who had converted. Like
Adam Reichardt there were other teachers who wanted to become a pastor but
there were applicants with other occupations as well, like sextons and
craftsmen and even a servant had applied. All of them were ordinated, often only after having received
some kind of theological “crash course”. It would take years until there were enough
pastors with a proper theological education for every parish.

In 1574, it
was time to move again, this time he took over the parish of Osmünde, close to
the city of Halle (definitely a career step!).
The church of Osmünde, first mentioned in 1191 (but the village is probably 300 years older), had once been a well known Pilgrimage Church due to its statue of the Virgin Mary. With the death of the last Catholic Pastor in 1538, it had become a protestant church. Reichardt's predecessor and first evangelical pastor of Osmünde had been Matthias Fischer (Piscator), a pastor who had studied theology and had been ordinated by Philipp Melanchton. These two pastors should change community life in this parish and form the new, evangelical church. The statue of the Virgin Mary was removed and the pilgrimages to this church were put to an end. Also, they made several changes in the church itself: the altar stone from catholic times was removed and became a step to the new altar and all parts of the old altar except of the figures of Johannes and Maria were removed.
Adam Reichardt remained in Osmünde for the rest of his life, retired in 1600 and
died two years later.
What would he have thought if he would have known that only 16 years after his death, there would be a war between Evangelical and Catholic States which would last for 30 years and would lead to devastation, famine, pestilence, dislocation and bring death to many, all in the name of God? Osmünde itself was sacked several times by different troops and in some years the villagers even left in fear of loosing their lives, hiding in the marsh land for months. The Church was damaged more than once, but survived and was restored after the war. And what survived as well, was the gallery with the carving that reads ARP 1581 (Adam Reichardt Pastor).
But I do not want to let you go without a song that was sung in the church of Osmünde at the time of my great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great-grandfather, the Pastor Adam Reichardt: Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, written by Martin Luther, who wrote the Ninety-Five Theses and nailed them on the door of the Schloßkirche in Wittenberg (or did otherwise), 497 years ago on this very day.