Yes, it's me. I'm back. The last few months have been a blur. I've missed two postings. I am apologetic and not without remorse. We have had an illness that led to the loss of my sons beloved wife. You've heard that " life gets in the way". Well, I have learned the truth of that. Papers, bills, documents and other obligations have been piling high. Perhaps I will get a handle on it all, perhaps not. For now, I am most satisfied to give a quick update and status report.
My progress in the "Genealogy Do-Over" has not been steady. In fact, I am on the third repeat of the "Do Over". I now have a file for every family member, a check list I use to record what I have on each individual and what I am needing to look for, and a waterproof box in which I can store the files.
Starting with myself and progressing thru my grandparents, I have re-examined each of these seven individuals and entered their data into a second genealogy program. I am using Legacy now. No, I have not given up my trees on Ancestry. My intent is to simply have a back-up in a different program. Eventually, I hope to be able to use my Legacy tree to go back and correct errors and fill in blank spots on the Ancestry tree.
My work on "52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks" has also suffered. The last post to that project was completed for Fathers Day when I wrote about my dad. The next post that I complete will probably be in memory of my sweet daughter in law when I feel ready to write it. While not an ancestor, to generations yet to come, she will be and she deserves to be remembered.
I would feel somewhat remiss if I did not post a quick warning to those seeking help from professional genealogists across the sea. My relationship with my chosen researcher in Poland has soured. Sadly, I did not get an estimate from him nor a contract. While he did obtain and send me some welcome documentation, the real "meat" of the research has never been completed. Since I paid him in increments to which he was in agreement, I did not pay him the full fee. I have since learned that his fee was very much " out of line" with other professionals. I have had no communication from him unless I write and ask him specifically for progress updates. He has told me that the documentation that he was requesting from the Warsaw archives is slow to come. It has been six months. I do not think that anything more will come and I am out a significant amount of money. Just be careful. Deal only with reputable researchers who can provide references.
Until November, be safe, healthy and happy.
Tuesday, 29 September 2015
Sunday, 27 September 2015
Honoring the Firefighters in Our Family, Past and Present
(Author’s note for Worldwide Genealogical Collaboration Blog readers: Although we usually write about our ancestors in genealogical blogs, when I began thinking of occupations and professions lately, I realized I wanted to know not only about people in our past, but current, living family members who held similar occupations. Using some of the occupational record hints that Sue Scot shared with us in her post Sept. 8, 2015, “Occupational records”, and newspaper archives especially, I was able to glean career information about ancestors and of course able to directly interview living family members. I have found this mixture to be extremely interesting and informative for myself and other family members. I had started in September highlighting educators as schools all over the world reconvened. Moving on to other professions, the firefighters in our family were front and center considering all of the wildfires being fought currently in the USA which are threatening so many people and have destroyed so many homes. I hope you will enjoy this story, but I wanted you to know there was a design, a rhyme and reason behind this approach, the mixture of the living and the ancestors as well.)
The image above is so very true! No one and nothing is a more thankful sight than a firefighter and his engine or truck pulling up to save you, your family, and or your home when fire strikes! We usually concentrate on our own fear, then thankfulness, and relief, as we watch these brave men and women risk their very lives saving ours! Only afterwards, or if we have family members who are firefighters, do most of us truly embrace the sacrifice and courage, the dedication it takes to always put others' lives before your own as you fight such danger as fire! With that in mind, I wanted to embrace the firefighters in our family, past and present, whom I could identify.

Growing up in Richmond, Virginia, I knew that I had a Great Grand Uncle who had been with the City of Richmond Fire Department for over fifty years! His name was John Francis Raffo, 1867-1951, I was two years old when he died. I really didn’t know much more than that, except that his parents were both born in Genoa, Italy, a fact which always intrigued me as the Italian branch of our family! I very much wanted to know more. From GenealogyBank, I was able to find an archive of his obituary which got me started on my search for more information. I learned that he joined the Fire Department of Richmond, Virginia in 1886, and on Feb. 1, 1919 became a Battalion Chief. On July 1, 1937, he was appointed Assistant Chief for the whole City of Richmond Fire Department. I found several articles describing his valour and heroism as he and the other firefighters worked to save lives and property day in and day out! I am very proud of him and he honors our family history with his great work.
"Flames in Midtown Richmond, Virginia witnessed by Thousands", August 6, 1937, Richmond Times Dispatch, from Genealogybank
John was married and had eight children. His son Nicolas Raffo served as a firefighter in Richmond, Va. and rose to Captain, as well as several of his nephews. This branch of my family was full of policemen and firefighters, and mainly Irish and Italian. A very interesting combination that worked well for us to other people’s apparent amazement.
One of my second cousins, Pat Nichols of northern Virginia, served as a firefighter most of his career, retiring as the Captain of a Quantico, Virginia Fire Station in 1999 with 25 years as a firefighter under his belt. Pat and I were friends as well as cousins as children. We have been blessed to renew our friendship as adults, reconnecting through a family reunion. Pat talks often about trips to the fire stations in Richmond,Virginia where his Grandfathers Frank Nichols and William Scroggins took him when he was a child. I can tell what a major influence that was on the future of the little boy they were educating and inspiring. He even recounts that in high school at one time, his baseball coach, football coach, homeroom teacher, and his guidance counselor were all volunteer firefighters as well! Pat also talks about his other mentors along the way, like the Chief of Fairfax County, Virginia who went on to serve through the National Fire Academy, and another who became the Chief of the Virginia Beach Fire Department until he retired. These men obviously influenced Pat and his career choices.
In 1968 he volunteered at his first fire station, but got drafted for the army about the same time. He was able to join a Petroleum Fires Training School. Pat recalls one incident when he was home in Virginia on a 3-day leave from his Army post in Savannah, Georgia. He was visiting the firehouse, Dunn Loring Station in Fairfax County,Virginia, where he was a volunteer, when they got a fire call. First reported as a brush fire, they were soon called in as the fire was “over the treetops” at the now famous, but then under construction, Wolf Trap Amphitheater, part of a large performing arts center in Vienna, Virginia. They had been told the fire hydrants had been inspected and passed just that very day, but when they arrived, the water had been turned off and they had to use three miles of hose to attach to hydrants at a housing development three miles away! That meant losing precious minutes in fighting the fire, it also meant three miles of hose to clean afterwards! Tanker trucks from Dulles Airport were called in to supplement the supplies. Pat tells us that "at one point they had a "master stream" in the balcony flowing 500 gallons per minute on the proscenium." Wow! Of his three day leave, one whole day was spent travelling, or half of two days, one whole 24 hour period was spent fighting this fire, which left very little R&R (rest and recuperation) time for this weary soldier.
However, when he got out of the Army, Pat chose to become a professional firefighter, and joined the Herndon Station in Fairfax first. Pat remembers vividly when a 25 story high rise building under construction collapsed and they spent a week searching for survivors! I think most of us cannot imagine this kind of work unless you have taken part. Dangerous, daring, and not for the faint of heart.
Pat worked at a fire station in Quantico, Virginia for most of his career. He became their Captain, and although he had the opportunity to be promoted to Chief more than once, he wanted to serve actively, not to be an administrator, so he chose to remain a Captain for over fifteen years until retirement. This picture shows his Battalion in 1979 in Quantico.
Pat Nichols, Captain, third from left in front row, Security Battalion MCB Quantico, Virginia, Station 531, in front of their 1979 Seagrave Ladder Truck.
You can well imagine that you don’t serve as a giving firefighter all of your working life and retire to do nothing. Pat’s wife, Dianne Tate Nichols, was an EMT on ambulances. Soon Pat was also. He rode on the ambulance, drove, and served. Later he and Dianne both served on the Board of Directors for the Dumfries Triangle Rescue Squad for years, Dianne as the Chairman. This is another family, another man, another woman who honor our family history with their work, with their courage, and their service to mankind. Thank you Pat and Dianne, and John and Nicolas Raffo for your service, your courage, and sharing your skills to help all of us!
If you have a firefighter in your family, feel free to leave a note about them in the comments section of this blog post, it's one small way to honor our loved ones who sacrifice so much for us. Until we meet again, wishing you the very best, Helen
Friday, 25 September 2015
Writing about World War I Soldiers
As I am writing my book about my great great great grandfather, Robert Muir (1800-1869), and his descendants, I discovered many Scottish young men who served in World War I. As I went to explore the available records, I quickly became confused. I realized I needed to back up and stop researching specific ancestors and focus instead on the War itself and what records were kept by the British military and why.
I stopped writing and researching and started reading. That reading confirmed what I've vaguely remembered about World War I. It was a war that started almost by accident, seemingly by unwilling participants. It was supposed to be over by Christmas; it lasted four years. Generals fought with outmoded tactics against new weapons and technology wreaked destruction on a scale never seen before. No war is good, but World War I was a particularly bad war.
As the war drug on into early 1915, Britain discovered itself woefully unprepared and scrambled to keep up. The available records reflect that. The Military Service Act of 1916 was tweaked more than once so that more young men would be available to be drafted. When the war began, the British Army numbered about 730,000 men. By standards of the day, it was a small, professional force. By the end of the war more than seven million men and women had experienced service in the British Army.
Unfortunately, records about their service are spotty at best. German bombers struck the War Ministry repository in 1940. More than half of the military service records pertaining to World War I were destroyed.
Unlike researching U.S. military personnel, there was no concept of a serial number, which stayed with the soldier when transferred to different units. Instead, soldiers in the British Army were assigned regimental numbers. If they changed regiments, they were assigned a new number. At first I thought these regimental numbers were next to worthless. But I learned you could search soldiers with numbers close in range to your ancestor's and learn something of their service, such as when they were likely transferred into a theater of war and to what regiment.
On the rare occasions when I could find service records, I didn't understand them. The abbreviations and military jargon were indecipherable. I hired an expert, Chris Baker, of The Long, Long Trail: The British Army in the Great War, 1914-1918. I had been using his website to understand when regiments were formed, where they saw service, and when they were disbanded. I used his forums to ask questions. I learned from Chris how to work around the lack of a military service record by using operational unit war diaries. These are official day-by-day accounts kept by individual British units within the Army. Though they rarely mention a soldier by name, they often describe the action in vivid, though understated detail.
Chris Baker's report included the results of his searches through each available record, including newspapers. If service records didn't exist, he reviewed the regimental numbers before and after my ancestor's and described their service. It is likely my ancestor had similar experiences. Two of the ancestors he researched for me were killed during the war. He provided maps of the action and described it in ways I could understand. He also provided contact information for the museum most relevant to specific regiments. His deliverable also included unit war diaries and written regimental histories.
As a result of his help, I believe I was properly able to honor Private William Lively (1899-1918) and Lance Corporal Oswald Dykes Riddell Dick (1888-1918).
Both men's lives were filled with tragedy before the war. William Lively had lost his father in a fatal wagon accident in 1906 and his mother to tuberculosis in 1910. He was an orphan at age 11. By 1917 he lived in Darwen, England. He served with the 1/4 Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment and was killed in action on 27 May 1918 during the Third Battle of Aisne when his unit was completely overrun by the enemy and decimated. William's body was never recovered but he was memorialized on the Soissons Memorial in the town of Soissons.
Oswald Riddell Dykes Dick lost his first wife in August 1914 to pneumonia and three months later a son died of tuberculosis. He was left a widower with three young children. He married his first cousin in 1917. During the war he served with the 1/5 Battalion of the Seaforth Highlanders and was killed on 21 July 1918 during a British counterattack near Champagne, France. He was interred at the Terlinchtun British Cemetery in Wimville, France.
Once I learned how navigate the National Archives website, I ordered many documents. The Lives of the First World War website has also come a long way since I began. When I first started using it, I found only two record sets. Many, many more are now available -- some free and some not. For paid subscription websites, I discovered to be the best for British military records. I also spend a lot of time communicating with the regimental museums.
Writing a Family History
He Died on a Flanders Field
Killed in Action During the Spring Offensive
I stopped writing and researching and started reading. That reading confirmed what I've vaguely remembered about World War I. It was a war that started almost by accident, seemingly by unwilling participants. It was supposed to be over by Christmas; it lasted four years. Generals fought with outmoded tactics against new weapons and technology wreaked destruction on a scale never seen before. No war is good, but World War I was a particularly bad war.
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Nine European monarchs at King Edward VII's funeral in 1910; photograph courtesy of Wikipedia |
As the war drug on into early 1915, Britain discovered itself woefully unprepared and scrambled to keep up. The available records reflect that. The Military Service Act of 1916 was tweaked more than once so that more young men would be available to be drafted. When the war began, the British Army numbered about 730,000 men. By standards of the day, it was a small, professional force. By the end of the war more than seven million men and women had experienced service in the British Army.
Unfortunately, records about their service are spotty at best. German bombers struck the War Ministry repository in 1940. More than half of the military service records pertaining to World War I were destroyed.
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Damage caused during September 1940 German bombing raid of London; photograph courtesy of Wikipedia |
Unlike researching U.S. military personnel, there was no concept of a serial number, which stayed with the soldier when transferred to different units. Instead, soldiers in the British Army were assigned regimental numbers. If they changed regiments, they were assigned a new number. At first I thought these regimental numbers were next to worthless. But I learned you could search soldiers with numbers close in range to your ancestor's and learn something of their service, such as when they were likely transferred into a theater of war and to what regiment.
On the rare occasions when I could find service records, I didn't understand them. The abbreviations and military jargon were indecipherable. I hired an expert, Chris Baker, of The Long, Long Trail: The British Army in the Great War, 1914-1918. I had been using his website to understand when regiments were formed, where they saw service, and when they were disbanded. I used his forums to ask questions. I learned from Chris how to work around the lack of a military service record by using operational unit war diaries. These are official day-by-day accounts kept by individual British units within the Army. Though they rarely mention a soldier by name, they often describe the action in vivid, though understated detail.
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Oswald Dykes Riddell Dick Statement of Services record for a period of military service before World War I; image courtesy of the UK National Archives |
Chris Baker's report included the results of his searches through each available record, including newspapers. If service records didn't exist, he reviewed the regimental numbers before and after my ancestor's and described their service. It is likely my ancestor had similar experiences. Two of the ancestors he researched for me were killed during the war. He provided maps of the action and described it in ways I could understand. He also provided contact information for the museum most relevant to specific regiments. His deliverable also included unit war diaries and written regimental histories.
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Cover page of Chris Baker's report on Oswald Dykes Riddell Dick's military service; personal collection |
As a result of his help, I believe I was properly able to honor Private William Lively (1899-1918) and Lance Corporal Oswald Dykes Riddell Dick (1888-1918).
Both men's lives were filled with tragedy before the war. William Lively had lost his father in a fatal wagon accident in 1906 and his mother to tuberculosis in 1910. He was an orphan at age 11. By 1917 he lived in Darwen, England. He served with the 1/4 Battalion, East Yorkshire Regiment and was killed in action on 27 May 1918 during the Third Battle of Aisne when his unit was completely overrun by the enemy and decimated. William's body was never recovered but he was memorialized on the Soissons Memorial in the town of Soissons.
Oswald Riddell Dykes Dick lost his first wife in August 1914 to pneumonia and three months later a son died of tuberculosis. He was left a widower with three young children. He married his first cousin in 1917. During the war he served with the 1/5 Battalion of the Seaforth Highlanders and was killed on 21 July 1918 during a British counterattack near Champagne, France. He was interred at the Terlinchtun British Cemetery in Wimville, France.
Once I learned how navigate the National Archives website, I ordered many documents. The Lives of the First World War website has also come a long way since I began. When I first started using it, I found only two record sets. Many, many more are now available -- some free and some not. For paid subscription websites, I discovered to be the best for British military records. I also spend a lot of time communicating with the regimental museums.
Writing a Family History
He Died on a Flanders Field
Killed in Action During the Spring Offensive
Tuesday, 22 September 2015
Collaborative Geo-referencing of Maps
Last month Pat Richley-Erickson's contribution Google Earth for Genealogists brought our attention to overlays of historical maps available on Google Earth. The historical maps were georeferenced to create overlays that are in the correct place. Once maps have been georeferenced, they can be compared and integrated with other mapped data, which can lead to better understanding of their contents. The best way to understand the process and its limitations is to try it for yourself.
The National Library of Scotland, British Library, David Rumsey Map Collection and other institutions use the online Georeferencer application for their collaborative map georeferencing projects. Due to differences in scale, projection and accuracy the historical map will not match a modern reference map. Imagine the historical map was printed on a rubber sheet, which you can stretch and pin it down to the modern map at known points. By the magic of mapping technology, Georeferencer does all the calculations behind the transformation.
An example from the British Library is a map of the parish of Thompson, a village in rural Norfolk, England a few miles from my home. It was published in a book about the history of Thompson published in 1892, but it was redrawn from an earlier map dated to around 1725 which shows open fields, a farming system from medieval times.
Having selected this map and opened it in the British Library georeferencer, my first job was to locate Thompson on the modern map and zoom in so I could see features marked on both maps. I started with the church, a good bet in rural England where churches may stand for centuries. Other features required some interpretation and local knowledge. Rivers and roads may change course so are not good candidates for control points. In this case the parish boundary has remained the same so points where it intersects other features or sharply changes direction are helpful. I needed to use several of the supplied reference maps and satellite images to find enough features for 10 control points.
The visualize tab gives 2D, 3D and side by side viewing options. The 2D option lays the historical map over Google maps, and the slider changes the transparency of the historical layer. The 3D option opens Google Earth in a small window, so you would do better to click on the 'Open KML in Google Earth' link. Notice many of the field boundaries follow older features. I had not realised that Thompson Water is a modern feature!
A harder example, from The National Library of Scotland, is a map of Islay, an island off the west coast of Scotland, dated 1654. Many of the place names on the historical do not appear reference maps. Variant spellings of place names add to the challenge. Notice that the historical map appears distorted compared to the modern map.
Eventually I managed to locate 36 control points. In the process I gained an insight that I would never have realised otherwise. This map was drawn from the perspective of someone at sea. The relative positions of settlements as seen from the sea is emphasized. At the time this map was made, sea travel predominated. Geographic accuracy is compromised and, even with a lot of correction, only achieves a poor match to the modern map.
Is the 1654 map of Islay a bad map? It was produced before projections had been invented, so it is not really fair to expect it to conform to modern thinking.
All maps lie because representing the earth's surface on a flat piece of paper always requires compromise. Although we think of the earth as a sphere, in reality it is flattened at the poles and very lumpy. The mathematical transformation of geographic co-ordinates onto a flat plane is called a projection. Projections preserve one of area, distance or direction while distorting the other two. The most familiar Mercator projection preserves direction, important for nautical navigation, but distorts the area of objects near the poles.
Ready to explore for yourself? Go and have fun discovering things were not as you thought.
The National Library of Scotland, British Library, David Rumsey Map Collection and other institutions use the online Georeferencer application for their collaborative map georeferencing projects. Due to differences in scale, projection and accuracy the historical map will not match a modern reference map. Imagine the historical map was printed on a rubber sheet, which you can stretch and pin it down to the modern map at known points. By the magic of mapping technology, Georeferencer does all the calculations behind the transformation.
An example from the British Library is a map of the parish of Thompson, a village in rural Norfolk, England a few miles from my home. It was published in a book about the history of Thompson published in 1892, but it was redrawn from an earlier map dated to around 1725 which shows open fields, a farming system from medieval times.
Having selected this map and opened it in the British Library georeferencer, my first job was to locate Thompson on the modern map and zoom in so I could see features marked on both maps. I started with the church, a good bet in rural England where churches may stand for centuries. Other features required some interpretation and local knowledge. Rivers and roads may change course so are not good candidates for control points. In this case the parish boundary has remained the same so points where it intersects other features or sharply changes direction are helpful. I needed to use several of the supplied reference maps and satellite images to find enough features for 10 control points.
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Control points on the Thompson map on the left match reference maps and satellite image on the right. |
The visualize tab gives 2D, 3D and side by side viewing options. The 2D option lays the historical map over Google maps, and the slider changes the transparency of the historical layer. The 3D option opens Google Earth in a small window, so you would do better to click on the 'Open KML in Google Earth' link. Notice many of the field boundaries follow older features. I had not realised that Thompson Water is a modern feature!
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Overlay of Thompson map in Google Earth |
A harder example, from The National Library of Scotland, is a map of Islay, an island off the west coast of Scotland, dated 1654. Many of the place names on the historical do not appear reference maps. Variant spellings of place names add to the challenge. Notice that the historical map appears distorted compared to the modern map.
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Comparison of Islay map on left with modern map right, with control points |
Eventually I managed to locate 36 control points. In the process I gained an insight that I would never have realised otherwise. This map was drawn from the perspective of someone at sea. The relative positions of settlements as seen from the sea is emphasized. At the time this map was made, sea travel predominated. Geographic accuracy is compromised and, even with a lot of correction, only achieves a poor match to the modern map.
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Transformations of Islay map, increasing correction from left to right. Left:affine, centre:polynomial, right: TPS |
All maps lie because representing the earth's surface on a flat piece of paper always requires compromise. Although we think of the earth as a sphere, in reality it is flattened at the poles and very lumpy. The mathematical transformation of geographic co-ordinates onto a flat plane is called a projection. Projections preserve one of area, distance or direction while distorting the other two. The most familiar Mercator projection preserves direction, important for nautical navigation, but distorts the area of objects near the poles.
Ready to explore for yourself? Go and have fun discovering things were not as you thought.
Saturday, 19 September 2015
Family Associations
I am working on a project to identify and add Family Associations on a FamilySearch Wiki page Click here to view. It would be awesome if it was found and added to by those organizations/associations that would like to find new members.
The reason for the project is to support and encourage families to continue with their associations and organization.
I have been saddened to find many associations struggling or not active any longer. I would have to say though, I have also been a bit surprised that with the resurgence of interest in family history and family trees, that the associations have not been revitalized.
The existence of family associations serve to bond families and assist, as well as facilitate collaboration of researching surnames. Sometimes a family will drift apart because of family disagreements, sometimes it was distances, and other times it was disinterest in making the effort on the part of one generation. Then a new generation will pop up that begins to wonder about their ancestors and who their family was or if anyone knew stories or had pictures of them.
I had this experience. My father's generation seemed to have the attitude, "let the dead bury the dead"... just take care of the living. That translated into, I don't share stories about my life nor did I know anything about my grandparents, no one talked about them.
One day, I decided I had enough, I needed to know about the family and better yet if there were any still living I needed to know them. At the same time a cousin called and said we haven't seen each other in 30 years we need to visit. Well... that was an invitation I was looking for. We collaborated on research some, but it was another ten years before we were able to start reaching out to others. I will say Facebook has been very helpful in the development of a loosely formed family group. We formed a Family Group labeled the ancestor's name and emphasized we were searching for descendants. While we have not been able to make it to a formal organization yet, we have found and pulled three generations of descendants from all six of the children of my great grandfather and five of the eight children of my grandparents.
The young adults are hungry for the information, but don't seem to be either willing or comfortable sharing their questions or memories. They want to sit back and watch, in our case that semi works because the rift in the family left a void, and just developing personal relationships and a sense of family seem to be the order of the day. My cousin and I are hoping to develop something that will last after we are gone. Which takes me back to my project...
The early developers of many Associations had hoped they were building a lasting organization, only to find there weren't any young adults willing to spend the extra time in making the organizations last and the older ones were not able to travel to reunions or meetings to continue to work together. I know of a few that are struggling to continue but have and air of quiet desperation.
When I come across a healthy Family Association I want to cheer and do a happy dance. It always feels like the family had over come that pain and challenge of when the pioneers had moved away to come back together, and there is a mother in heaven doing a happy dance.
I have up to this point worked on mostly United States organizations, but I am now trying to identify international and foreign association / organizations, because the possibilities of families reuniting and learning as well as bonding are great.
If you know of an association and it is not on the pages, it is a wiki, you can add to it.
'Til next month... Did your family have a reunion,or at least a get together? Know of any associations... can always use help.
The reason for the project is to support and encourage families to continue with their associations and organization.
I have been saddened to find many associations struggling or not active any longer. I would have to say though, I have also been a bit surprised that with the resurgence of interest in family history and family trees, that the associations have not been revitalized.
The existence of family associations serve to bond families and assist, as well as facilitate collaboration of researching surnames. Sometimes a family will drift apart because of family disagreements, sometimes it was distances, and other times it was disinterest in making the effort on the part of one generation. Then a new generation will pop up that begins to wonder about their ancestors and who their family was or if anyone knew stories or had pictures of them.
I had this experience. My father's generation seemed to have the attitude, "let the dead bury the dead"... just take care of the living. That translated into, I don't share stories about my life nor did I know anything about my grandparents, no one talked about them.
One day, I decided I had enough, I needed to know about the family and better yet if there were any still living I needed to know them. At the same time a cousin called and said we haven't seen each other in 30 years we need to visit. Well... that was an invitation I was looking for. We collaborated on research some, but it was another ten years before we were able to start reaching out to others. I will say Facebook has been very helpful in the development of a loosely formed family group. We formed a Family Group labeled the ancestor's name and emphasized we were searching for descendants. While we have not been able to make it to a formal organization yet, we have found and pulled three generations of descendants from all six of the children of my great grandfather and five of the eight children of my grandparents.
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Benedict and Sarah Jane Hankins Langley family portrait. |
The early developers of many Associations had hoped they were building a lasting organization, only to find there weren't any young adults willing to spend the extra time in making the organizations last and the older ones were not able to travel to reunions or meetings to continue to work together. I know of a few that are struggling to continue but have and air of quiet desperation.
When I come across a healthy Family Association I want to cheer and do a happy dance. It always feels like the family had over come that pain and challenge of when the pioneers had moved away to come back together, and there is a mother in heaven doing a happy dance.
I have up to this point worked on mostly United States organizations, but I am now trying to identify international and foreign association / organizations, because the possibilities of families reuniting and learning as well as bonding are great.
If you know of an association and it is not on the pages, it is a wiki, you can add to it.
'Til next month... Did your family have a reunion,or at least a get together? Know of any associations... can always use help.
Wednesday, 16 September 2015
Tidbits From My World:: Reflection's Dreams. Headstones. Fortunes. Critters. Scientific Fistic.
Man and I are already dreaming of escaping for the winter - when our Heritage RV, Tana heads south. First, however, lets talk headstones, critters, fortunes and scientific fistic. Yea, let's.
Last summer and earlier this year, I shared with you the experience of ordering three memorial markers at one time. Three markers, three different cemeteries, three different set of rules. One could say I live dangerously, err, an exciting life. One could say, I might be just a little crazed.
But, all's well that ends well and Man and I are very pleased with the results.
And, so, I unveil a photo of the last of the three. (To see the first two, see this post from June 2015.)
And, the memorial marker for Man's paternal grandparents. Yes, he has two names. Yes he is one of my most interesting research subjects. He IS the reason I became addicted to family research. Good ole "Archie".
If you care to read my report on the day we went to the cemetery, it is here, on Reflections. It was quite the day. Hopefully you will find some humor in it at my expense.
Now, about those fortunes, critters, and scientific fistic. I spent a few hours this summer transcribing news articles. I have collected news articles here and there over a few years. I have more to transcribe. It is tedious work that transcribing. Tedious, but, also enjoyable. The articles add so much color to my data base. Stories, sometimes dark, sometimes humorous, sometimes sad. Over the last few months, I have published some interesting ones over at Reflections. And, here are the links.
One of Man's ancestors, a uncle of some generations removed, Aaron Lashbrook took me on a bit of a fortune hunt. The hook, from 1892, that caused me to search more, is here. And, in 1902, the report of the failed hunt.
Oscar Lashbrook, son of our fortune hunter Aaron, was involved in a horse story.
Aaron has his own horse stories, here is one. Believe it or not, Aaron was probably the subject of this dog story.
Orville Lashbrook, another of Man's kin, was a police officer in Kansas City, Missouri. Over the years I have found quite a few little tidbits that are interesting on Orville. One post at Reflections covered vice squads, safes and opossums. Really. Tis here.
Next I found Orville testifying about, of all things, honey bees.
And, Aaron, our dear country veterinarian from Kansas, was also the subject of this piece, on scientific fistic.
Newspapers, do you research them?? Really you should. I followed one Lashbrook young man from the first articles on the draft for World War I till he went off to war and returned home. It was a fascinating, eye opening, experience for me. One time I found a report of all the new cars sold in a month. Yes, indeedy, a Lashbrook was listed.
And, there you have it, dreams, headstones, fortunes, critters and scientific fistic.
Till next month. Come October, Man and I will, hopefully, be in the crazy packing and organizing extravaganza that goes on before we head south.
Hope to see ya on the road, in a library, archives or a cemetery some time soon.
Man and I are already dreaming of escaping for the winter - when our Heritage RV, Tana heads south. First, however, lets talk headstones, critters, fortunes and scientific fistic. Yea, let's.
Last summer and earlier this year, I shared with you the experience of ordering three memorial markers at one time. Three markers, three different cemeteries, three different set of rules. One could say I live dangerously, err, an exciting life. One could say, I might be just a little crazed.
But, all's well that ends well and Man and I are very pleased with the results.
And, so, I unveil a photo of the last of the three. (To see the first two, see this post from June 2015.)
And, the memorial marker for Man's paternal grandparents. Yes, he has two names. Yes he is one of my most interesting research subjects. He IS the reason I became addicted to family research. Good ole "Archie".
If you care to read my report on the day we went to the cemetery, it is here, on Reflections. It was quite the day. Hopefully you will find some humor in it at my expense.
Now, about those fortunes, critters, and scientific fistic. I spent a few hours this summer transcribing news articles. I have collected news articles here and there over a few years. I have more to transcribe. It is tedious work that transcribing. Tedious, but, also enjoyable. The articles add so much color to my data base. Stories, sometimes dark, sometimes humorous, sometimes sad. Over the last few months, I have published some interesting ones over at Reflections. And, here are the links.
One of Man's ancestors, a uncle of some generations removed, Aaron Lashbrook took me on a bit of a fortune hunt. The hook, from 1892, that caused me to search more, is here. And, in 1902, the report of the failed hunt.
Oscar Lashbrook, son of our fortune hunter Aaron, was involved in a horse story.
Aaron has his own horse stories, here is one. Believe it or not, Aaron was probably the subject of this dog story.
Orville Lashbrook, another of Man's kin, was a police officer in Kansas City, Missouri. Over the years I have found quite a few little tidbits that are interesting on Orville. One post at Reflections covered vice squads, safes and opossums. Really. Tis here.
Next I found Orville testifying about, of all things, honey bees.
And, Aaron, our dear country veterinarian from Kansas, was also the subject of this piece, on scientific fistic.
Newspapers, do you research them?? Really you should. I followed one Lashbrook young man from the first articles on the draft for World War I till he went off to war and returned home. It was a fascinating, eye opening, experience for me. One time I found a report of all the new cars sold in a month. Yes, indeedy, a Lashbrook was listed.
And, there you have it, dreams, headstones, fortunes, critters and scientific fistic.
Till next month. Come October, Man and I will, hopefully, be in the crazy packing and organizing extravaganza that goes on before we head south.
Hope to see ya on the road, in a library, archives or a cemetery some time soon.

Tuesday, 15 September 2015
Do you think they'll remember?
Familiar with his verbal intonations, I realized Dad was gulping back tears as he voiced that heartfelt question. My reply was similarly choked up. "Yes, Dad, I know they'll remember."
Oh, how I recall that tender conversation as I drove Dad's wheelchair van from the Anacortes ferry terminal. We had celebrated our family tradition of visiting Orcas Island, Washington, just as crabbing season opened. It proved to be Dad's last trip with us that late July 2007, for he died a few weeks later.
Years before, Dad and our beloved step-mother had attended a medical association retreat to Rosario, and discovered the peaceful allure of Orcas, long before the island became a destination with a capital "D." Although throughout the years Dad took the boys up camping to Cattle Point and other San Juan Islands spots, Orcas was always the treasured family place.
Dad loved family get-togethers of any sort. Salmon bakes at home - what's that secret recipe anyway? Ivars on Lake Union either via car or boat. The Space Needle dining level for special occasions. I particularly remember the sheer fun of watching Dad interact with my toddler daughters as we "went in the boat for dinner" to the little kiddies' favorite McDonald's up in Kirkland. The pièce de résistance was and is a family retreat on Orcas Island.
A little too weak to get into the Apple A Day for the 2007 afternoon trip to Jones Island, Dad encouraged us to make the trip while he'd stay back at our Smugglers' Villa rental. My brother Mike by now had owned Dad's boat for many years, so "Uncle Mike" cheerfully ferried everyone from the nearest point on Orcas, namely Deer Harbor. And so began that afternoon of picnicking and climbing. Yes, Dad. We are talking our children and now grandchildren and we tell them how you first brought us to this glorious place.
It isn't about Orcas, as much as it is about family being together. Orcas provides the backdrop, including poor cell phone and internet access, so you end up talking, listening, laughing, playing, and exploring the island's treasures together. Three generations just hanging out together doing nothing, yet making the most precious memories.
This past summer Mr. Myrt and I met with family once again up on Orcas Island. On the way out and back, my eyes teared up as we passed the spot where Dad had asked "Do you think they'll remember?" and I choked out once again these words:
Oh, how I recall that tender conversation as I drove Dad's wheelchair van from the Anacortes ferry terminal. We had celebrated our family tradition of visiting Orcas Island, Washington, just as crabbing season opened. It proved to be Dad's last trip with us that late July 2007, for he died a few weeks later.
Years before, Dad and our beloved step-mother had attended a medical association retreat to Rosario, and discovered the peaceful allure of Orcas, long before the island became a destination with a capital "D." Although throughout the years Dad took the boys up camping to Cattle Point and other San Juan Islands spots, Orcas was always the treasured family place.
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IMAGE: The author's daughters Tam, Carrie and Stacey at Crescent Lake on Orcas Island, circa 1985, from the author's private collection. |
Dad loved family get-togethers of any sort. Salmon bakes at home - what's that secret recipe anyway? Ivars on Lake Union either via car or boat. The Space Needle dining level for special occasions. I particularly remember the sheer fun of watching Dad interact with my toddler daughters as we "went in the boat for dinner" to the little kiddies' favorite McDonald's up in Kirkland. The pièce de résistance was and is a family retreat on Orcas Island.
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IMAGE: Glen S. Player, MD as he surveys the crab catch of the day, circa 1995, from the author's private collection. |
IMAGE: Dad's boat and family, 2007, Jones Island, Washington, from the author's private collection. |
It isn't about Orcas, as much as it is about family being together. Orcas provides the backdrop, including poor cell phone and internet access, so you end up talking, listening, laughing, playing, and exploring the island's treasures together. Three generations just hanging out together doing nothing, yet making the most precious memories.
IMAGE: 2007, from the author's private collection. |
This past summer Mr. Myrt and I met with family once again up on Orcas Island. On the way out and back, my eyes teared up as we passed the spot where Dad had asked "Do you think they'll remember?" and I choked out once again these words:
"Yes, Dad, I know they'll remember."
Monday, 14 September 2015
UK National Archives webinars - a new genealogy resource
The UK’s National Archives (TNA) at Kew has
started a new initiative for genealogists – interactive webinars. I
took part in one last week and thought I’d pass on my experiences
to the Worldwide Genealogy community.
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The National Archives © Chris Reynolds Creative Commons |
If you’ve got ancestors from the UK or its
former colonies you may have already used TNA’s catalogue,
Discovery, its online collections or its podcasts. You may even have
visited the archives at Kew. Now these webinars may be another way to
learn more about genealogy and how to research different aspects of
your own family history.
I found out about the webinar I took part in
because I’m signed up to TNA’s enewsletter, but you can also see
upcoming events on their home page.
You have to book your place on a webinar via
Eventbrite, and you’ll get a confirmation email and, nearer the
date, a link and instructions. They suggest using a PC or laptop
rather than your phone as the sound quality will be better. If you’ve
got headphones, better still.
It’s a good idea to go to the webinar a little
early to get used to the layout and to iron out any possible glitches
as well as to sign in. You’ll see an e-curtain where slides will
display once the webinar gets under way, and on the right hand side a
small dialogue box where you interact with the TNA mods and other
participants. This is also where you post questions for the speaker
to answer at the end – you can ask questions at any time and some
people’s queries were answered by other participants during the
webinar I attended. Above this is a video feed of the speaker.
TNA says:
This webinar will identify relevant record series at The National Archives and help you trace individuals from this period.
We will also show you some key primary sources available to help you with research around this topic.
are interactive, online seminars designed to support and develop
research skills. You access this event from the comfort of your own
home, by logging in on your pc, tablet, smartphone or other device.
Being online, you will be able to take advantage of the expertise of The
National Archives' staff from your own computer or tablet, without
having to travel to Kew. During the session (which will last no more
than an hour), you can interact with staff members and fellow
researchers taking part in the webinar, as well as listening to, and
viewing, the presentation on screen.
How was my first TNA webinar? Instructive and enjoyable, with only a few minus points. There were
some glitches with the sound. At first there was none, then it was
too low, and later on I and another participant heard a very
distracting echo which made it almost impossible to follow what the
speaker was saying. This wasn’t too bad while there were slides on
the screen, but made the Q&A at the end impossible to follow.
In addition, the dialogue box was supposed to stay
on screen after the session ended so that attenders could go on
talking for a while, but it disappeared.
I’m sure these were just teething troubles. I
found the TNA staff very helpful and keen to sort out the problems.
They generously offered to send us the slides and a link to the audio
so we could catch up with the bits we missed.
Apart from these small problems, it was a very
positive experience. The slides were clear and left on the screen for
long enough to take notes from (though I did take a few photos as well),
and the speaker, Dr Katy Mair, used several documents from TNA’s
collection to illustrate points, which was an added bonus.
She was
excellent at explaining the sources available from the National
Archives and how to search them. And it’s always a joy to hear an
expert speak.
I’d definitely recommend taking part in a TNA
webinar if you can. Some older ones are also available on their website.
Finally, a few notes about the session I attended.
With this being the 300th anniversary of the Jacobite Rising of 1715,
TNA is marking the event with some commemorative events, including a
small display in their Keeper’s Gallery. This talk was about
tracing Jacobites (supporters of the exiled King James) in the National Archives.
There are no sources online (apart from State Papers Online, a subscription site only available to institutions), so it’s necessary to go
to TNA or get someone to do the research. Discovery, their online
catalogue, has descriptions of the relevant series. They are:
- State Papers (SP) – the key series
- Various legal series – Treasury Solicitor (TS), Kings Bench (KB)
- Forfeited Estates Commission (FEC), Patent Rolls (C66)
The State
papers fall into two categories, State
Papers Scotland (SP 54),
letters to the Secretary of State from Scotland, and State
Papers Domestic George I and II (SP 35 and 36),
letters to the Secretary of State from
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Flora MacDonald, captured in 1746 (Wikimedia) |
In addition, SP
41 (State Papers Military) covers the risings of 1715 and 1745, with
letters and papers directed to the Secretaries of State in their
capacity; SP 42
(State Papers Naval) holds correspondence from the Board of
Admiralty; and SP 44, which covers
letters sent dealing with
warrants, pardons, petitions, licences and reports.
Katy also talked about women prisoners taken after the
Jacobite Risings and about what happened to the people captured and
convicted – if not execution, then banishment, pardon on enlistment
or transportation.
She showed us lists in CO 1 (State Papers Colonial) of Jacobites transported to British colonies in America and the West Indies, where they were sold as ‘indentured servants’ to plantation owners.
She showed us lists in CO 1 (State Papers Colonial) of Jacobites transported to British colonies in America and the West Indies, where they were sold as ‘indentured servants’ to plantation owners.
Britain used its
American colonies for transportation until the independence of the
United States, after which it turned to New South Wales... but that’s
another story.
Sunday, 13 September 2015
Family Milestones
Not Your Typical Milestone!
Whilst the photograph above is not a typical milestone, it does indicate the distance to the places but not by road. It is situated as you may have gathered beside the Montgomery Canal in Shropshire.
Typically, family historians, record major events in their families, such as births, baptisms, marriages, deaths and burials, they also compile information about occupations and military service details.
Family historians however want to do more than record dates and places.
To truly understand our roots we need to be able to put ourselves in their shoes. Many of those who live in the United Kingdom or have roots in these countries will have ancestors who were employed by others as servants, agricultural workers or in cottage industries or more recently factory workers. Some of the occupations of yesteryear no longer exist or have altered due to the introduction of machines, this makes it much more difficult to visualise what life must have been like for them.
Major historical events have always influenced the way people live, wars may have both a direct and indirect effect on the population and the generations to follow.
If you are recording your family history consider carefully what you want to record. That story that your aunt told you may not be entirely true but by recording it you are reflecting how someone perceived a moment in time. Our perceptions and feelings are going to be as important as the facts to our descendants. We may have the advantages of photographs and videos to pass on our memories but will our descendants be any clearer about how we perceived our lives.
Start with your oldest living relative and ask them to tell you in whichever way they wish to describe the milestones in their life.
What do they remember?
Do they have any photographs or other items that trigger memories for them?
Do the same for everyone in your family?
If you are fortunate enough to have a family get together, then get out the photographs, along with pencils or pens and small notelets, and ask everyone to write down anything they associate with a photograph or just who is in the photograph and when it was taken.
Provide envelopes so that the notes can be kept with the photographs and then get digital images of the photographs & notes, or type up the notes and attach to the photograph.
Each memory is a milestone in the life of someone and can point us in the right direction to understand who they are or were.
Collect and Share your memories and bring a smile to someone's face.
Tuesday, 8 September 2015
Occupational Records
If our aim is to portray a rounded picture of the lives of our ancestors, then researching occupational records is a must.
You may find records relating to an ancestor's working life in your local archive centre, though a lot does depend on the particular type of employment. Here are some examples from England and Scotland that I have come across in the course of my research. :
Most of us can count farmers, shepherds, hinds (farm servant or ploughman), carters and ag. labs amongst our ancestors, but how to find out more about their lives? Realistically records on individuals are likely to focus on landed gentry and tenant farmers, rather than their workers. I live in a rural region and my archive centre has a wealth of information that can provide background on estates, and life in agricultural communities. For example:
Bondagers were female farm workers in south east Scotland and Northumberland. As part of their husband's contract (or bond) with the farmer, he would undertake to provide another worker (usually his wife) to help as and when required. They wore a distinctive dress with bonnet, described as the last remaining peasant costume in Britain.
Here is a record showing that A. S Pringle won prizes in 1876 in the class of "Implements of Husbandry" for "a self acting horse rake" and "a turnip topping and tailing machine".
MARINERS - I used the enquiry service of Tyne
and Wear Archives who provided me information on the life of my husband's ancestor, Robert Donaldson
(1801-1876), a master mariner of South Shields. “A Dictionary of Tyne Sailing Ships: a record of merchant sailing ships owned, registered and built at the Port of Tyne 1830-1930”, compiled by Richrd Key is
a complete A-Z of Ships, master mariners and owners, detailing ships,
voyages, disasters and share-ownerships, and much more - an indispensable for
anyone with maritime ancestors in this region.
The entries make fascinating reading, with all six ships on which Robert Donaldson sailed, having an eventful history and coming to a sad end (though not under his charge).
Lloyds Captain's' Register provided information on the ships under the command of another mariner ancestor, Matthew Iley White. His journeys took him to the North Sea ports of Belgium and Holland, to Spain & Portugal, the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Adriatic Sea,and north to the Baltic and the Gulf of Finland.
[Above right - another ancestral master mariner - John Moffet of South Shields]
MINERS - my husband's Armitage and Hibbert ancestors were miners in Yorkshire, Derbyshire and County Durham, where the history of mines, mining and miners is well documented on the Internet.
The website provided detailed information when I was researching the Spowart family of Fife.
An early insight into life in mining areas was given by Robert Franks in his report to the Children's Employment Commission in 1842 who commented "The domestic condition of the collier population presents a deplorable picture of filth and poverty" .
He conducted interviews with children including 15 year old Helen Spowart who was described as a “putter”, with the task of propelling a loaded coal-hutch from the coal-face to the pit-bottom by means of a series of shoves or pushes.
The report noted "Began to work in mines when nine years old and has done ever since. Helen added "It is very coarse, heavy, cloughty work, and I get enough of it, as am never able to do muckle after hours from the fatigue".
POLICEMEN & PRISONERS - if your ancestor was a constable or even on the other side of the law, police records are a great resource and include mug shot photos of criminals, lists of prisoners, plus constable registers with personal details including a description, service record, next of kin and family etc.
A long-held family story recollected a lost photograph of a relative in a top
hat serving in the River Tyne Police. A silver uniform button (left) was still held by
the family. Tyne & Wear Archives provided some answers, finding that not
only Henry, but also his older brother
Matthew Iley White, were members of the
river police force – both with rather a chequered history.
With three of my Danson ancestors working as POSTMEN, I upgraded my Ancestry subscription, so I could access their Post Office Records. All I got was a name, date of appointment and place, so I can't really say it added anything to my family story. Also if you are looking for a popular local name, it will be difficult to confirm which is "your" entry. Still we all consult records in hope of finding something worthwhile!
TEACHERS - School Records are the place to look - with Log Books recording daily school life, and School Board Minute Books and Education Committee Minute Books recording appointments - and dismissals! Here is an example from a school log book:
1873 - At Glenholm, Peeblesshire, a school inspector reported "This small school was taught by Mr Grieve in an intelligent, painstaking and efficient manner". We would all love to find such a testimonial on an ancestor.
Occupation Records are a fascinating example of how family history can take you in so many diverse directions. So
many of these records are not available online, and the message is -
search the online catalogue of the Archive Centre relevant to your
research, and use their enquiry service if you cannot visit it.
Good luck with your research!
You may find records relating to an ancestor's working life in your local archive centre, though a lot does depend on the particular type of employment. Here are some examples from England and Scotland that I have come across in the course of my research. :
ARCHITECTS - A Dictionary of Scottish Architects is a database providing detailed biographical information and job lists for all
architects known to have worked in Scotland during the period 1840-1980,
whether as principals, assistants or apprentices. A "must consult" item if this is your ancestor's background.
Being a COUNCILLOR might seem rather dull, but Scottish Burgh and County Council Minute Books, which go back to
the mid 17th century, give a full description of local affairs and
council discussions and can reveal interesting sidelines, such as the councillor
in the 1880's who was petitioning in support of woman's suffrage, long
before it was close to becoming a reality.
Most of us can count farmers, shepherds, hinds (farm servant or ploughman), carters and ag. labs amongst our ancestors, but how to find out more about their lives? Realistically records on individuals are likely to focus on landed gentry and tenant farmers, rather than their workers. I live in a rural region and my archive centre has a wealth of information that can provide background on estates, and life in agricultural communities. For example:
- Advertisements of sale of stock
- Auction Mart records
- Drawings of farm machinery
- Field name surveys
- Farmers' Club & Pastoral Societies - members lists and minute books
- Individual farm records - day books, account books etc.
- Postcards of farms and farm workers - with an image below of "bondagers" from my local community heritage group Auld Earlston.
- Valuation Roll showing owners, tenants & occupiers of property - very useful in indicating the size of farms & estate, and the type of workers employed.
Bondagers were female farm workers in south east Scotland and Northumberland. As part of their husband's contract (or bond) with the farmer, he would undertake to provide another worker (usually his wife) to help as and when required. They wore a distinctive dress with bonnet, described as the last remaining peasant costume in Britain.
Here is a record showing that A. S Pringle won prizes in 1876 in the class of "Implements of Husbandry" for "a self acting horse rake" and "a turnip topping and tailing machine".
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The entries make fascinating reading, with all six ships on which Robert Donaldson sailed, having an eventful history and coming to a sad end (though not under his charge).
Lloyds Captain's' Register provided information on the ships under the command of another mariner ancestor, Matthew Iley White. His journeys took him to the North Sea ports of Belgium and Holland, to Spain & Portugal, the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Adriatic Sea,and north to the Baltic and the Gulf of Finland.
[Above right - another ancestral master mariner - John Moffet of South Shields]
MINERS - my husband's Armitage and Hibbert ancestors were miners in Yorkshire, Derbyshire and County Durham, where the history of mines, mining and miners is well documented on the Internet.
The website provided detailed information when I was researching the Spowart family of Fife.
An early insight into life in mining areas was given by Robert Franks in his report to the Children's Employment Commission in 1842 who commented "The domestic condition of the collier population presents a deplorable picture of filth and poverty" .
He conducted interviews with children including 15 year old Helen Spowart who was described as a “putter”, with the task of propelling a loaded coal-hutch from the coal-face to the pit-bottom by means of a series of shoves or pushes.
The report noted "Began to work in mines when nine years old and has done ever since. Helen added "It is very coarse, heavy, cloughty work, and I get enough of it, as am never able to do muckle after hours from the fatigue".
POLICEMEN & PRISONERS - if your ancestor was a constable or even on the other side of the law, police records are a great resource and include mug shot photos of criminals, lists of prisoners, plus constable registers with personal details including a description, service record, next of kin and family etc.

The Nominal Roll of the Tyne River Police showed that Henry, a
single man, joined 9th January 1882.
By the time of his promotion seven months later in July, he was
married. The Police Defaulters Book
recorded his misconduct for "assaulting a seaman A. W. Hanson and other
irregularities on 11th June 1889"
Henry was fined 2/6 and transferred to Walker Division at his own
expense. The Nominal Roll of 1904 noted
his age as 42 and that he had 22 years of service, with a wage of 29/6.
With three of my Danson ancestors working as POSTMEN, I upgraded my Ancestry subscription, so I could access their Post Office Records. All I got was a name, date of appointment and place, so I can't really say it added anything to my family story. Also if you are looking for a popular local name, it will be difficult to confirm which is "your" entry. Still we all consult records in hope of finding something worthwhile!
TEACHERS - School Records are the place to look - with Log Books recording daily school life, and School Board Minute Books and Education Committee Minute Books recording appointments - and dismissals! Here is an example from a school log book:
1873 - At Glenholm, Peeblesshire, a school inspector reported "This small school was taught by Mr Grieve in an intelligent, painstaking and efficient manner". We would all love to find such a testimonial on an ancestor.
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Archive image courtesy of the Heritage Hub, Hawick
Good luck with your research!
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