Whilst our individual genealogy, research and blogging is fairly solitary they are also a collaboration. I know that is a contradiction, but think about it. We all research our own ancestry alone. If we are lucky, we connect with someone who somewhere and somehow connects to our family. Yet when we have a problem or query, we turn to the many options available to us to discuss the said issue. The mailing lists, forums, groups on Facebook. Perhaps we tweet our query or perhaps we write a query or hypothesis on our blog and share into the ether.
However we share that query or success, we are spurred on by thousands of genealogists across the globe all of whom are delighted to share our joy, keen to help solve a problem or produce an alternative view.
That is collaboration.
Of course, we have in many instances taken that collaboration a step further. We have formed friendships. Friendships that span the globe and time zones, all made easier with modern technology and social media. Through those friendships we share and develop and our genealogical world is made a little brighter and more informative.
So, we are a day or so away from the launch of this collaboration project. Our launch is 1st January 2014. Each day a geneablogger will share an idea, website, thought or post that is genealogical, or historical in its nature.
We hope you will enjoy reading the posts and perhaps want to get involved. Maybe you belong to a historical or family history society and you want to share the details of them? Perhaps you have a query, or a missing ancestor and you would like to write about them and share it as part of this collaboration project?
If you want to get involved please leave a comment here or send an email to the address below.

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