
Friday, 12 June 2015

How much is Enough?

To be honest I was not sure what to post about this month. After talking about Genealogy Do-Over, Rootstech and WDYTYA Live and not having attended any more conferences I could not write about my experiences this month. 
I didn't get to the Global Family Reunion or even watch any of the live stream from SCGS Jamboree.

Have I overdone the conferences and the webinars and does attending several hangouts on air (even if just as a viewer) each week lead to information overload. 
We all have our limits and much as we enjoy genealogy everyone needs a break.

I really enjoy talking genealogy with others and I am sure you will agree that we all have times when we feel "enough is enough", particularly when you give up a large part of your time to helping others, rather than getting on with your own research or spending time with your family.

I am not complaining and neither should others, the schedule we set ourselves can sometimes be overoptimistic or things happen and we are no longer able to cope with the pace of work. None of us wants to disappoint our friends and colleagues but there comes a time when you have to say I have had enough.

I can't remember the last time I took a proper look at my research and put a plan in place for where I want to go next so now I need to sit down and think out where I want to go. For too long I have been coasting along starting one thing after another and never really finishing things.

I have just had a birthday and before I reach my next I want a clear plan of where I am heading. 
If I start something and have to leave it, I want to be in a position to pick it up again where I left off.
I am never going to become one of those totally organized people but if anyone is going to be able to make use of what I have amassed it needs more structure than it has now.

As much as I enjoy learning and passing on my knowledge to others it does us all good to take a step back from what we are doing and decide on our priorities. 
So my resolution for the rest of the year is to decide on my goals and priorities and how I am going to achieve them.
Be realistic.
Remember that most things can wait until tomorrow. 
If you set a deadline most of the time it can be changed, but prioritize those which cannot. 
Reduce the stress of looming deadlines.
If you are finding you have taken on too much, drop what you can and reflect on why this happened.   

We may have Enough time, but not Enough time to Waste.


  1. I so relate to this Hilary. I have these words at the bottom of Reflections so that I can try to remember:

    Reduce the piles

    Share the wealth





    Don't procrastinate

    AND, this:

    "Don't let procrastination be your primary time management skill."

    I'm still working on it.

  2. Love the cartoon :) a pertinent post Hilary. Sometimes we just get plain distracted and other times life gets in the way. I've been realising my research hasn't been very strategic in recent times, too.


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